Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Long-overdue update!

Seth and I have been lax in celebrating our monthly anniversaries, in case you were wondering. However, our bank has been celebrating by depositing interest payments in our new joint savings account on the 16th of the month. Thanks, giant corporation!

If you haven't visited our Flickr pool to check out the pictures, you're missing out. My older brother, Gavin, just uploaded a bunch of new ones today. Here's my favorite from him so far:


I think I like it because I don't remember the exact moment, but I know it was good. He also got lots of great shots of our nephews, who are almost painfully cute.

I'll be back soon with more favorite pictures and one big question... Okay, it's not that big, but it's been on my mind for weeks.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Daphne is still asleep right now, but at 6:30 my body decided it was time to get up. If I could find the camera (I'm sure it's just hidden under some wedding-related rubble) I would take a picture of my cup of coffee. I guess these are my last moments of alone time before things get crazy.

If I am sitting here calmly sipping coffee it can only be because of Daphne. Not that I have a lot of experience with such things, but putting together a wedding like ours seems to require a magical combination of planning and flexibility. Like everything else she puts her mind to she has done an amazing job with the preparations.

I think for many couples planning a wedding is a real test. Sure, there have been some stressful moments, but experiencing this together has made me even more confident (as if I had any doubt) that Daphne is the woman I want to spend my life with.

I love you, Daphne, and I'm thrilled that you are becoming my wife today.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

who doesn't love a pool?

Ok, so it's not that kind of pool. Looks like fun though, right?

I started a pool on so everyone can post their images from the wedding in one place. You have to be a member to post images there, but joining is pretty easy and it's free. If that's too much trouble you can always post a link to where your pictures are hosted in the comments here.

Sure, we'll have a great pro photographer there but we'd love to see the day from your perspective too.

Here's the link. If you have pictures of the preparations, the ceremony, or anything else wedding-related we'd love for you to share.

More cute nephew pictures are 100% guaranteed.

Monday, August 11, 2008

wedding planning can really take a lot out of a cat

Today we got our license. The office is pretty stark, but there are flowery pens.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

my old flame

On Saturday, July 19th Daphne and I, along with a few friends (including our officiant Jeffrey) got together with Cindi at Goldmine to cast my ring. Jewelry design may involve computers and CNC machines these days, but executing the design for my ring meant following processes that have been around for centuries. Here's a little about how it was done (as I understand it, anyway).

First the crucible is heated up, then a plaster mold made from the wax model is inserted. Next, the gold is melted with the torch until it's ready to flow. At that point the latch is released on the centrifuge and the whole shebang spins around. This forces the metal into the mold and helps it flow into all of the spaces in the design.

Once the device has spun for a while the mold is removed and plunged into a cold water bath. The shock makes quick work of the plaster. It's a strange and wonderful feeling to plunge your hand into a vat of murky water and pull out your wedding ring.

Of course, there was a bit of cleanup and finish work to do (including electroplating, which is another interesting process), but a week later we picked it up. I can't wait to wear it.

Here's a little video I took. It's nice that Daphne still carries a torch for me after all these years. Don't you agree?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

We have been busy!

The big day is only a few weeks away as you well know. This weekend was packed with preparatory activities, including an unsupervised (by me) visit to Goodwill (by Seth) today. He had a surprise for me, he warned by phone, and it was this:

Seersucker Suit

The tie we found yesterday makes the ensemble quite crazy so he's keeping this in reserve in case it's "really hot out" and the fine woolen suit bought previously is too warm. I suppose my job is too look so pretty no one will be able to keep their eyes off me/worry about Seth's seersucker suitedness... It is rather charming, n'est pas?

Saturday, July 12, 2008


When you see a word enough it starts to look funny. If you're like me, when this happens you head to the dictionary to reassure yourself that it means what you think it means. Often this results in learning an obscure definition of a word. Here's a definition of "registration" I was not aware of until now.

"4 a: the art or act of selecting and adjusting pipe organ stops b: the combination of stops selected for performing a particular organ work"

Being a lousy keyboard player I've never had the opportunity to sit down at a pipe organ, but I can only imagine that this is one of those details you sweat after you've really learned the piece you're playing.

In nine years together Daphne and I know each other pretty well. We've shared a household for a while now, and accumulated our share of stuff. We do like gifts though. This, and a little prompting from friends and family finally lit a fire under us to think about what sort of gifts we might appreciate.

Like so many other aspects of wedding planning putting together a registry has been an opportunity to learn about the world of consumer products. For example, there is a pan which will form your cake batter into the shape of a tiny stadium.

Ok, so the stadium-cake pan didn't make the cut, but we did put together a list of items we think might make our new-and-improved life together more harmonious. I was hoping to more seamlessly work in a "pulling out all the stops" quip here, but I think referring to the dictionary was cheesy enough.

So, without further ado, here's the list.

You'll need a password to get in. The password is 081608 (the wedding date).

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Questions answered, answers questioned

Well, you get to do the latter. Here are some of the questions we've fielded so far, and some answers. They may not appear to be helpful answers, but I'm not the most demanding bride. Yet.

What should we wear?
I'll be wearing a pretty dress, but most likely not a traditional wedding dress. (I'll borrow my sister's beautiful dress if my attempts to sew my own dress fail, but with support like this, how can I fail?)

Seth will wear a new suit, but no tie. Probably.

We will both wear nice shoes.

We'll have a professional photographer (thanks, dad!).

The cutest twin toddlers in the universe will be there, and you will want to kiss their fat cheeks, pick them up and feed them.

It will be a sunny Seattle afternoon with lots of light from two full walls of windows.

What do you want to wear?

Is this a formal wedding?

We'll start with a ceremony and end with cake, but there are no attendants and no religion--oh, and it's us getting married--so it's not super formal. It will be pretty and fun and meaningful and joyous. And you will play a big part in that.

What's to eat?

We're not exactly sure what is going to be on offer to eat at this time--still in negotiations--but there will be a delicious lunch and incredibly delicious cake. And there will be several beverage options including beer and juice, but no manhattans or martinis.

Tell me more about the venue!

It's really pretty and it's pretty much at the crest of the hill on Dexter, a street that I ride daily between work and home. Thus, it's not too far from our neighborhood in Ballard or my job in lower Queen Anne, and not far from downtown at all. It has a really pretty view of Lake Union and a nice balcony, and tons of parking that we won't need.

Are there any pre- or post-wedding event plans?

We're working on a rehearsal dinner type deal for Friday night for out-of-towners. Right now, that's looking like the whole of it.

Where should we stay?
We're lame and don't have a good answer for this question, but we think you're doing okay on your own so far. E-mail or call us if you need advice.

That's all I can really think of, but ask more questions, and I'll answer them here. Or Seth will. He's good like that.

Friday, July 4, 2008

the aisle

currently living on top of the washer

lost wax

D. and I are having my band custom made with a scroll design based on the one on her ring(s). Cindi at Goldmine Design has been wonderfully patient and helpful. It's really starting to come together.

Part of the process is rendering the design in wax. The design is laid out in software, roughed out by a CNC machine, then hand carved. This not only helps show what the finished product could look like, but once the design is approved the wax itself is used to make the mold for casting the ring.

After two rounds of waxes we're nearing the final design. The wax in the center with the elongated scroll motif is the closest, but all of these are draft versions. Once the design is settled we'll get together again to cast it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

a leak from the wedding planning lab

Daphne will have a face, and I will probably not be wearing what looks to be a ski mask, but you get the idea.

Monday, June 30, 2008

how it went down

It began with a ride on the Vashon Island passenger ferry.

...followed by a stay in a cute and tiny cottage.

These were our transportation.

There were delicious pastries...

...and puzzles.

It was over a puzzle depicting Scottish fishing boats that the question was popped. This particular question had been leaking slowly for a little while, but it still made a very satisfying pop. We both knew in the back of our minds that this was the time and place it was going to happen, and yet it was still a wonderful surprise.

I had been looking for a ring for a while, but at the moment in front of the puzzle I was still empty-handed. With Daphne's help the search ended a few weeks later with a charming 50's wedding/engagement ring set.

Welcome to the world, wedding blog.

Hello! This is the wedding blog of your hosts, Seth and Daphne.

Passenger ferry dock

We'll be back with actual content later. I mean, soon.